The IGBT is suitable for switching speeds up to 20 KHz and has replaced the BJT in many applications. It is used in applications such as high and medium power switching power supply, traction control and engine induction cooker. Large IGBT modules consist of many devices placed in parallel that can handle high currents of the order of hundreds of amps with blocking voltages of 6,000 volts.
the IGBT can be conceived as a hybrid Darlington transistor. Has the power handling capability of a bipolar but does not require the base current to keep driving. However, the switching transients from the base can be equally high. In power electronics applications is intermediate between the thyristors and mosfet. Handles more power than the latter being slower than them and the reverse on the first.
M. Marquez Winston J.
, CI. 16745566.
Subject: CAF.
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