field effect transistor junction is an electronic device, ie a circuit as electrical values input, reacts to give output values. In the case of the JFET, when field effect transistors power, these values \u200b\u200bare the input voltages, namely the voltage across S (source) and G (gate), V GS . According to this value, the output transistor will present a characteristic that it simplifies defining equations defined three areas: cutting, ohmic and saturation.
Physically, a JFET-called "channel P" consists of a piece of P-type semiconductor whose extremes are two output pins (sink and source) flanked by two regions with doping type N in which you connect two terminals connected to each other (door). By applying a positive voltage (in reverse) V GS between gate and source, the zones N paths created around areas in which the passage of electrons (current I D) is cut, called zones. When the V GS exceeds a certain value, the exclusion zones extend to the point that the passage of electrons I D between source and drain is completely cut. At that value of V GS is called V p . For a JFET channel "N" p and n areas are reversed, and V and V GS p are positive, cutting the current for voltages greater than V p .
Thus, according to the value of V GS first two zones are defined, an active negative voltages higher than V p (since p V is also negative) and a cutting zone to lower voltages that V p . The different values \u200b\u200bof R D according to the V GS are given by a graph or equation called the input equation.
active in the area, by allowing the passage of current, give an output transistor in the circuit itself is defined by I D and voltage between drain and source V DS. A graph or equation relating these two variables is called the output equation, and it is where you distinguish the two active areas of operation: ohmic and saturation.
Marquez Mr. Winston J.
, CI. 16745566.
Subject CAF.
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