Friday, April 9, 2010

Etching Aluminum With Vinegar


This amplifier, being complementary NPN and PNP transistors used. In addition to use two transistors for each of the outputs, can work at 4 ohms. This means we can put 4 8 ohm speakers in total (2 per channel speaker.) another of its great virtues is its high power and low harmonic distortion, making it ideal for videorockolas.

Video tutorial showing the process of assembly of the circuit

has no experience in assembling electronic circuits, we recommend starting with the 30watios amplifier located in the projects section of our site. This amplifier has been tested. The success or failure in the assembly of this project depends on the bases and experience you have of this subject. We can not guarantee the quality and methodology of their work, when to do this or any of the circuits of our Web site.

After downloading the PDF file listed at the end of this article can make on bakelite printed by screen printing technique or Ironing. The materials for this project are very economical.

The measure of the form of this amplifier is 21.3 cm x 15.6 cm . Remember to set right the printer to print out the correct size. You may wish to print the mask on the upper parts of Bakelite.

The transformer has 3 wires, 2 of them give 33 volts, with respect to a central TAP zero mark, and between the extremes marked 66 volts. This may vary a little but no more than 36v. Where to get a transformer with a voltage too high and want to condition it, can take a few turns of wire to give him the proper voltage. Power must be 12 Ameri.

After printing the printed circuit on Bakelite, proceed to drop all resistance.

resistors are used primarily to limit the current in the circuits. They are basically composed of conductive and resistive, adjusting the ratio of one another to achieve the desired values \u200b\u200bof resistance.

Proceda a colocar los Diodos 1N4004, doble sus patas colóquelos teniendo en cuenta la dirección mostrada en la mascara de componentes. Proceda a soldar. Observe los diodos colocados. Para ver mejor los detalles, de clic sobre la imagen.

El diodo es un componente electrónico con dos terminales el cual se comporta de manera ideal como un interruptor común con la particularidad, que solo puede conducir en una dirección.

Coloque los diodos P600J , mediendo antes de doblar las patas para que no entren forzados en Bakelite. Remember to install them with the guidance of the mask components.

In this case, the function of these 4 diodes is to form a bridge rectifier, which together with the two 4700 uF capacitors, forming a symmetrical source.

To jumpers or jumpers, measure the distance over bakelite, fold the remaining distance to the case and insert into the holes, then solder.

The jumper, is but a step above the current Bakelite, should not be possible to assemble the tracks at the bottom when making the design.

Place A1015 transistors, taking into account the position shown in the mask components.

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to extend or change the electronic signals. A transistor is made from a solid piece of semiconductor material, three terminals for connection to an external circuit. A voltage or current applied to the base , change the current flowing between collector and emitter . Because the power output can be much more than the input transistor provides signal amplification .

Place and TIP42C TIP41C transistors. Remember to install them by following the guidance of the mask components.

The TIP41C (NPN) and TIP42C (PNP) are silicon epitaxial which is the basis of the power transistors mounted on Jedec A-220, plastic package. are used for medium power linear and switching. These transistors are complementary to each other.

Place capacitor of 0.1 microfarads. These not have polarity.

A capacitor consists of two plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. The main function of the capacitors is to store electricity temporarily. Polyester capacitors are more accurate than ceramic capacitors.

Place electrolytic capacitors, taking into account the given position in the mask of components, since these are polarity

Place the capacitors of 330 pF. PF far, equivalent to a billionth of a farad (F 0.000000000001).

To put the big six-pin connector, remove a leg in the middle, and place into the bakelite. You will enter the AC and the other output signal.

To place the 3-pin, remove the central leg of the connector and place in bakelite, these entries will be left and right signal.

Generally the coils must build yourself according to the application you need. Are difficult to obtain commercially. The function performed in this case is to protect the negative voltage transistors that can produce the speaker.
To make rolls, take copper wire, gauge (18 AWG), (1,024 mm.) And a reel of 3 / 8 give 11 laps on the bit, cut the excess wire and straighten the legs of the coil.

output transistors. Place

transistors D1047 (NPN) and transistors B817E (PNP). In each output are two transistors. This provision is called Supplemental. If not get them, you can replace the 2SC5200 (NPN) and 2SA1943 (PNP).

Place the capacitors of 4700 microfarad at 63 volts power supply. If desired, you can replace up to 10,000 microfarad capacitors to reduce ripple and gain more clean sound.

Now you can see the finished card, ready to install the sink.
At this point the assembly is recommended to wash the board with thinner, using a brush to remove all solder particles can then make a short circuit.

These are the materials needed to isolate transistors aluminum heatsink.

Note: If you are not properly isolated from aluminum sink transistors, short circuits can be generated that will lead to failure in estel project.

Remember that the output transistors are insulated cooler with insulating mica and silicone grease to transfer heat to aluminum.

is also important that the sink is large enough, since these transistors dissipate enough heat.
apply silicone grease on the back of the output transistors, Place the heat sink and tighten the nut pushing hard in order to transmit heat from the transistors to the aluminum heatsink.

Given the scarcity of coolers on the market, it is important to be resourceful, it is an area in aluminum produce sufficiently large to capture cold environment to dissipate heat emitted by transistors output. We have used a piece of aluminum rail in the back of the aluminum angle, which will serve as cooling fins, thus forming an economic and functional sink. Remember
Apply silicone grease between the two pieces of aluminum, and screw tightly.

If you do not want to make a preamp which offer section projects, you can connect a potentiometer of 10K or 20K volume, the way sigueite :

For the volume control must unite the two left legs by welding. Cables coming from the amplifier will be welded in the two central legs of the potentiometer, and the land to the two legs come together before.
cables coming from the input signal is soldered into the two remaining legs, and unify land.

Connect the potentiometer to the amplifier inputs. Connect the amplifier output terminal.

click to see larger photo.

sure to place the transistors in the correct position, otherwise you can burn your amplifier or simplemete not work. The TIP42 tend to get hot enough, therefore we suggest you use with a sink aluminum.

This amplifier was tested with 2 speakers of 300 watts of power and with an impedance of 8 ohms and 12 inches, giving a great performance, but we recommend 400w speakers.

Then we can see a video made by one of our faithful visitors who have taken the trouble to record a test of 400-watt amplifier.

>>> Download here << < PDF file with information and forms for joining the additional 400-watt amplifier.


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