Physical performance is that, in semiconductors, an electron moving from the conduction band to the valence, loses power, this energy loss can manifest in the form of a photon off, with an amplitude, an address and a random phase. The one that lost energy when it passes an electron from the conduction band to the valence is manifested as a photon detached or another form of energy (heat for example) will depend primarily the type of semiconductor material.
When a semiconductor diode is forward biased, the holes in the p zone move to the area n and n electrons of the area to the area p, both loads are the displacement current through the diode. If electrons and holes are in the same region, can recombine, ie, electrons can move to "fill" gaps, "falling" from a higher energy level to a lower more stable. This process emits a photon often in direct band gap semiconductor with the energy corresponding to its band gap.
Technology LED lighting is a durable, low-power, low voltage, flexible and environmentally friendly. It is a fixture which by its nature is called solid light. See Chapter 8.
In 1990 he made the first blue LED. This allowed white LED manufacturing. With this relatively recent development system outperformed as LED light source further and future projection.
Currently all major lighting manufacturers are betting on this technology will be the main light source of the future. Each year there are LEDs on the market better, more efficient, bright, safe, comfortable to use and parallel to wider use, more economical. Experts estimate that by 2012 the LED will light fixture with greater market power.
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