Monday, March 16, 2009

How To Open Router Nat Netgear

Project "EVA" Arduino

is a small rover, like the famous explorer mars "or" phoenix "... of course, considering that I have several million dollars .. .

Eva, who is called the friend of wall-e (the film ), is a rover capable of traveling through sandy soils due to the design of his suspension. At first the suspension was controlled by servos but just do not had the strength to lift about 3 kilos weighing robot, so this suspension was designed:

Here a video suspension running servos (no weight)

As you can see it is a shaft with two angles of 120 degrees linked to the center of the robot and pulling (tentatively) two elastic rubber . This keeps the robot is quite straight and care of putting all the weight in the center of it as practice mind is balanced alone.

camera has a wireless color and sound on the front, controlled by a servo that provides a vision 180 degrees.

Being a robot "" Mars "" "you have adapted some solar panels that cover almost the entire surface of the same:

To control all the robot will use an Arduino board (there is a section on this blog that explains what it is), control the movements of the same with the aid of two analog sensors SHARP which will make progress without hitting any object without even touch him.

In low light LED 4 lights high brightness accompany the camera to continue to provide good image is even at night.

continued ...

currently have invested about 150 euros in the robot. Looking

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Long Does It Take To Have A Std Test

internet information, I discovered that there are many on arduino, but very little in English ... so , down after a few when PDF buy the book "Choke getting with arduino "And go slowly translating everything,,, here going to find that reason, a manual in English Arduino, Arduino

is a plate containing a program created by us and with endless possibilities We can create anything from a small logic circuit to control a robot with a single plate.

Arduino is free, not even the software requires licenses ...

Having a USB port on same plate, not only has the advantage of being able to modify the program quickly , but we can control the real-time program from the computer.

Here are some examples of what you can do:

LED Cube

Segway ...

Control RC Car with Wii Remote

In this section shows a Arduino tutorial from 0, which will deepen gradually.

Model For Female Art Students

0-4-The structure of a program. The 3-

The basic structure of programs Arduino is pretty basic and consists of at least two parts. These two parties, or functions are enclosed in blocks of statements.

Void setup () {

Instructions }

Void loop () {


Setup (), is the preparatory and loop () is the program itself. are needed for both functions responsibilities for executing the program.

After setup function must be the declaration of any variable at the beginning of the program. This is the first instruction to execute, you do only once and used to initiate the serial communication, to declare pin input and output and declare the necessary variables.

instruction is followed loop that includes the program code to be executed, reading inputs, outputs activating, etc.. This function is the core of any program Arduino and contains all the instructions work.

Setup ()

This statement is executed once when the program starts. Should be included in all programs but there are no variable declarations.

Loop ()

After call setup function performs a running loop allowing to load, respond and control the Arduino plate.

A typical example is that of an LED parpadenado in official page of arduino can find several, but before you start the program in detail you can see its structure: HERE

As you can see there are no bookstores as standard C (stdio . h, Coni . h. ..) since it sorftawe the internal leads.

also recommended, as any program in C, write comments and we will be more easily modify the program if necessary.

Another recommendation is to, as shown in the example program, named after the pin , ie if pin 13 is led drive a green, instead of writing
digitalWrite (13, HIGH ), we can more easily write digitalWrite (green indicator , HIGH ), where green indicator is assigned as a 13 in the beginning of the program.



on this page are the steps to follow to install the software.

Once installed we can start a program, remember that it is in C, the most instructions are typical of C (you can see several tutorials in the "downloads" "programming" ... although some instructions are exclusive Arduino :

true / false :

is a constant that defines the logic state. FALSE is simply 0, while TRUE is any number other than 0, regardless of the type.

high / low :

These signals define the levels of the integrated pin to ON (high ) = 5 v OFF (low ) 0v.

digitalWrite (13, HIGH )

This line enables the program pin 13.

Input / output :

is used within the instruction pinMode (), defines pin as input or output.

pinMode (13, OUTPUT )

pinMode ( pin, mode):

inside the loop is used setup () and defines the behavior of pin between input and output.

pinMode ( pin, OUTPUT ) / / set "pin " as output.

In the Arduino digital pin are configured by default as inputs, so no need to explicitly declare that as inputs.

should also put an internal pullup resistor to 20k which is accessed by software. This is useful when connecting actuators or buttons.

access pullup resistor :

pinMode ( pin, INPUT )

digitalWrite (pin , HIGH);

When configure a pin as an output it can provide 40 mA to other devices or circuits, enough to light a LED with the corresponding resistance, but not to activate a relay, motor, etc.

If you connect a device that consumes more than 40 mA or shorted outputs can burn the chip.

It is often advisable to connect a resistor between pin output and receiver 470Ω resistor to 1K.

digitalRead ( pin ):

Lee the value of an input pin which resulted HIGH (enabled) or LOW (disabled). " pin "can be configured with a value of 0 to 13.

Dato = digitalRead (10), Saves "fact" state of input 10.

digitalWrite (pin , value):

puts the exit to HIGH (enabled) 5v or LOW (disabled) 0v, the As a digitalRead pin can assign a value between 0 and 13.

analogRead ( pin):

Lee an analog value with 10 bit resolution. This only works in analog pin 0 to 5. The result d ela reading is an integer with range 0 to 1023.

not need to declare them as inputs as they only work as such.

digitalWrite (pin , value):

Arduino In the new work in pins 3,5,6,9, and 10, marked as PWM (pulse width modulation), the value is assigned to an integer between 0 and 255.

A value of 0 generates a stable value of 0 volts on pin indicated, 255 generates a value of 5V. For values \u200b\u200bbetween 0 and 255 generated different trains of pulses to cause the same effect as if you were using an analog voltage of a value between 0 and 5. For example, with the number 128, if applied to a Led its appearance would be half lit.

analogWrite (10, 200), / / \u200b\u200benable pin 10 with the corresponding PWM signal .

not need to declare the analog outputs as such.
The following example reads an analog signal and converts it into a value for the output:

led int = 10, / / \u200b\u200bLED on the pin 10. Int

pin = 0, / / \u200b\u200bthe potentiometer is connected to this input.

int value; / / space where we store the data.

void setup () {} / / no need setup.

Void loop

{value = analogRead ( pin ) / / reads the value of pin 0 and stores it in "value."

value = value / 4; / / convert input 0 to 1023 with 0 to 255.

analogWrite ( led , value); / / enable PWM output for "value."


delay (ms ):
For the program based on the number of milliseconds.

Delay (1000), / / \u200b\u200bfor a second.

millis ():
Returns the number of milliseconds since the program began operating today, is a long integer.

Value = millis () / / load value the number of milliseconds.
This value is reset approximately every 9 hours.

min (X, Y):
Calculates the minimum of the two numbers and returns the child.

max (X, Y):
Calculates the maximum of the two numbers and returns the largest

Vegetable Or Corn Oil On Horse Feed

2-The Arduino board. 1-Introduction

We will analyze the latest version of arduino the USB controlled.

has power inputs:

can be powered by a power supply between 6 and 25V to through the connector with the following polarity:

No is necessary to feed circuit while the USB is attached.

Power outlets:

have several power outlets to supply power to auxiliary circuits such as LEDs, buttons etc. These are marked with their value (5V, 3.3 V and GND

Analog inputs:

is the 6-pin marked "Analogic in " we can enter values analogue of between 0v and 5v.

Input / Output digital:

14 pin marked as "digital," these pin can function as digital inputs or outputs, depending on program content. Since 0v or 5v outputs provide, ie a 0 or a logic 1.
When functioning as inputs is exactly the same as 1 take a value of 5v and 0v logic 0 when they are at the entrance.

Port USB :

used to connect the Arduino board with PC , transfer the program or to communicate during the execution of programs. Jumper


This jumper is the latest models.

Together USB connector is a jumper to select that if the power is provided by the PC itself through USB or take power from the power connector.

The picture shows the position of jumper to power the board from the USB :

reset button:

is the small button that is in the center of the plate, when compiling the code with the program, press and you will immediately go to the arduino board.

Birthday Musics Arabic

Arduino is a system controlled by a microcontroller, a plate on which have the same inputs and outputs, and a port to communicate with the computer.

is totally free, including software, ie we can mount the plate and get the program compiler from HERE.

This program is similar to a C compiler, so you have to have basic knowledge in this language.

Some of the reference pages are:

official Web Arduino.

Freeduino (in English).

40 projects (English).

The official website can find the designs of the plates for several versions of Arduino.
Although we can also find assembled or in kit form in ebay.