Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brown Discharge Day Period Due

gringos are finally planning to build roads change solar

Solar Roadways, is a company that won a government competition for a prototype a street glass can generate power using solar panels. (This is not fuck)

The idea is to become sustainable roads at present is paved with asphalt, a petroleum product.

Solar Roadways is working on encapsulating solar panels within the ultra-resistant glass, which has a similar texture to the pavement can withstand the passage of trucks and cars at high speed, is sufficiently transparent to let in sunlight , and can gather energy through panels, has pointed to that can be used in homes and factories.

Brusaw The idea of \u200b\u200binserting further includes LED above the solar panels, which would mark the tracks (could change if there is an accident on a track, for example) and give warnings to drivers, such as speed limits or if something has happened on the road.

The project sounds like the road of the future and is still far from reality, although he is currently seeking funds in the GE Ecomagination Challenge competition.

Prices of building a road system like this could still be very high, although as the necessary elements to develop the idea is that the price fall. Although more expensive than paving with asphalt, the system could become self-financing the production of energy it contains.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

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Green Program - a sustainable alternative

Program "Green Exchange" , arose from a referral Program "Buying junk and Programme of junk that no is junk , which emphasizes gathering all the "garbage" that can be used again. For example, broken televisions, auto parts, furniture, pieces of wood and everything that people throw thinking it may be given use.

This exchange program works this way, in poor communities in Curitiba will "buy" these items together and those who are "paid" with food. All arose in June 1991 when it produced a record harvest of horticultural products in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba and in front of the large number of products, small farmers found it difficult to commercialize. Given this reality, the town in a creative and inexpensive, decided to help small farmers in marketing their crops. To do so, signed an agreement with the FEPAR - Federation of Agricultural Producers and went on to acquire surplus production. This surplus is the engine of the "green shift" that changes recyclable waste food.

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1bRUZ--9Ws

The program aims to:

* Create awareness and promote the separation of inorganic organic waste.
* Serve as a food supplement to poor households.
To promote and encourage recycling. Green Exchange


* The program is celebrated especially in public schools with the aim of consolidating on children spirit of separating garbage and educate them about the importance of recycling for the good of all. Schools also participate in the program and students may change waste books, toys, tickets to concerts. Operation

* To participate in the program, each person brings to the change (default dates and times), 5 kg of recyclable materials (paper, cardboard, glass, ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal) and receives in return a bag of horticultural products. Objectives

* promote the marketing of horticultural crops of small farmers in Curitiba and metropolitan region
* Create the population in the habit of separating organic waste from inorganic
* To sensitize the community for proper disposal

This program of the Municipality of Curitiba acts as environmental protection, increase nutrition, basic health care and support the marketing of agricultural production in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. Through this program, the most vulnerable families in the municipality of Curitiba can exchange recyclables for food. Additionally, the program guarantees the cleanliness of rivers and public spaces and encourage the fight against dengue.

Sources: http://www.risalc.cl:9090/portal/proyectos/ficha/?id=131
http://www.curitiba.pr.gov.br/publico/secretaria.aspx?idf=411 & ; Service = 26


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identifies microorganisms that can biodegrade plastic bags in storage

16 Student identifies microorganisms that can biodegrade plastic bags Cagliani
Posted by Martin July 31, 2009

The plastic does not biodegrade, it may take hundreds of years until the sun other natural agents it will degrade. For That is usually a dream of environmentalists plastic or withdrawn, or who manages to create a biodegradable plastic. Apparently a 16 year old student has created plastic bags that biodegrade in just three days.

No joke, we have seen here in Sustentator how the plastic accumulates around the world, as in the great Pacific Garbage Patch. Every year millions of tons of plastic that can take up to a thousand years to decompose. Meanwhile ... kill thousands of animals throughout the world, eat or get stuck with practical materials.

A Canadian teenager Daniel Burd, presented a science project in the Science Fair in Ottawa Canada-Wide. His invention gave him many awards, including 10 thousand dollars and a scholarship of $ 20 000.

Daniel, aged 16, took his environmentalist idea of \u200b\u200bwhat we see daily. "Every week", he says, "I have to do household chores, and when I open the closet door, falling down is a plastic bag. One day I got tired, and wanted to know what others did with their plastic bags. " The answer was: nothing. So he decided to do something.

Plastic is not biodegradable, that is not degraded by bacteria and other materials, but is degraded, yes, but very slowly, just as almost as a stone. Daniel knew that eventually degrade the plastic ends, but had to accelerate this degradation. So he began to study microorganisms that could degrade the plastic.

What he did was an experiment that took months, proving that microbes were able to degrade plastic. At the end able to identify four types of microbes that if they are applied to a common plastic bag degraded, although not completely.

So many mixed plastic eating microbes, and managed to assist each other to either play or degrade plastic. The two winners are the Sphingomonas bacteria, and Pseudomonas assistant.

must realize that we're talking about a guy at school, which has succeeded with the school team, something many researchers worldwide with the best teams have been unable, or unwilling to achieve.

The result is that Daniel discovered that plastic can be biodegraded, with human assistance. An industrial application of Daniel's home method would be cheaper. And they would be using nature to solve one of the biggest problems of humanity, the plastic trash that accumulates per ton on land and water.

Source: http://news.therecord.com/article/354044

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Alternative Energy Technology

Alternative energies like solar and wind power are gaining prominence in the world. Its technologies are progressing day by day. But surely, until they solve the problem of storage, the ascent to the summit of "Mount Sustainability" as some call it, will remain slippery.

Take the example of electric cars. Projected as the visionary Shai Agassi of Better Place, if we could load electricity generated with renewable energy (like solar or wind) without having to throw away their batteries pollutants and without depleting the world's lithium reserves, would in our hands a locomotion system that could be called sustainable.

is clear that renewable energies are the beginning of the solution to sustainability, but we have to get stored for use when we need them and not just when the wind blows or the sun rises. A liter of gasoline contains more than 3.43 x 10? 7 Joules / liter of energy. An almost magical. Nature took millions of years in the making. Our civilization is built upon it. Without doubt, we are still far from able to create such energy density, let alone in a clean and renewable.

There are mainly four ways to store energy on a large scale: Chemistry

Electrical Mechanical Thermal

In Seville, Spain, SolĂșcar PS10 is a plant that uses solar thermal storage technology

Photo: Courtesy afloresm / Flickr

chemical storage is the most common: they are the batteries of all our electronic devices, the ignition system of our vehicles and even household solar installations. It is a polluting technology and impractical, especially a large scale. Electric Storage

capacitors is based on and is not harmful for the environment. It was discovered in 1745 by Ewald Georg von Kleist. Capacitors store electricity just between two plates and can be recharged indefinitely. The disadvantage is that a small amount saved or improved energy density and called for a short time. Perhaps the development of new ultra-capacitor is part of the solution. Mechanical Storage

Based on the famous laws of Isaac Newton, is being used ever more ingenious ways and at first do not harm the environment. The three most widely used forms are:

hydro pump storage: It consists of a set of pumps that return water to a reservoir upstream of the turbines. If you consider the complete energy equation, it is clear that not only wins but loses energy.
A hydroelectric plant generates electricity on a near constant during the 24 hours but the demand is irregular day generally being higher than the night. To not waste the night over ideally should store this energy for the next day. While
make up a given volume of water to recirculate through the turbine requires more energy than it generates then the whole equation is positive because otherwise they would have missed completely the nightly build.

compressed air storage: This is a system somewhat similar to the previous. During times of low demand, air is pumped into underground caves creating high pressure. Then he takes this pressure during peak hours to turn a turbine generators.

Photo: sustentator.org

air is pumped (2) to the cave (1) achieving high pressure. The air is stored underground until the time of peak demand. When needed the extra power, compressed air spins the turbine (3) and generates electricity from a generator (4).
are usually mixed and compressed air to burn natural gas to avoid the effect of cooling the air gets to expand, increased efficiency. Personally, this burning gas does not support it because it is a non-renewable energy.

Flyers (in the physical sense of the word): A wheel is a disc with high rotational inertia, a concept similar to the weight of an object, but applied to the rotation.
Flyers are loaded and unloaded through a motor-generator. The motor / generator takes power from the power supply to turn the flywheel rotor. During an outage or low voltage motor / generator provides power. The kinetic energy stored in the rotor is converted to current by the generator and then to AC by an inverter and a control system.
Flyers More advanced are made of carbon fiber and magnetic bearings. They can rotate at speeds of up to 60,000 revolutions per minute. Additionally offers the possibility to download very fast compared with batteries based on chemical reactions. Its main drawback is a short time of storage. Thermal storage

is a fairly novel concept and is being used a lot in English designs of solar thermal plants. Its operation is placed under the large water tank to heat a container of salt (sodium chloride). An array of mirrors focuses sunlight on the water tank and the container of salt and are able to transform water into steam and turn a turbine.

When the sun goes down, the salt in a liquid state between 801 and 1465 degrees Celsius (previously heated by solar radiation) becomes the protagonist and is heating the water then carefully avoiding the turbines. Once properly sized system, it has a solar plant running 24 hours a day.

These technologies achieve greater efficiency by allowing to take advantage of unused energy on off-peak but still not solve the challenge of storing energy in a transportable and clean.

While we are on track, still have to wait a while to make Sustainable our cars, motorcycles, laptops and cell phones.

Rodrigo Herrera Vegas is co-founder of sustentator.org