After much time I open the blog again to start a new project ...
designed circuit is capable of measuring the velocity of an object passing between two sensors, the "heart" of the circuit is the Arduino system, which is a section on this page.
This radar is capable of measuring speeds between 0 and 500km / h, once it detects the speed displayed on a backlit LCD screen, send a message to the PC and if the measured speed exceeds the specified will activate a camera and displays a message on both screens (PC and LCD).
A sensor detects the passage of the object and stores a time constant, passing through the second sensor keeps a second time constant to measure the time it takes to pass between the two sensors, subtracts the time of the first sensor while the second sensor.
Then follow the data to convert to Km / h.
Then follow the data to convert to Km / h.
! Sensors are 10 cm away!
Parts list
· Arduino Duemilanove.
· LCD display hitachi blue 44780. 16x2.
· Sensors sharp 2D120X
· 4.7 K potentiometer
· Serve Futaba S3003
alpha * Software Arduino 0013. Sensor
Parts list
· Arduino Duemilanove.
· LCD display hitachi blue 44780. 16x2.
· Sensors sharp 2D120X
· 4.7 K potentiometer
· Serve Futaba S3003
alpha * Software Arduino 0013. Sensor
sharp 2D120X
The sharp 2d120X analog sensor is a distance, has an analog value in relation to the object distance, the greater the distance less stress and vice versa.
can see their data sheet on this page:
The function of the servo, is none other than pressing the button shutter of the camera ... (not available for PC-controlled camera, or with remote trigger.) The servo makes a little money at the time of activation of the "radar" you press the shutter button.
to activate the radar also activates the exit 13 of the arduino where we can connect a trigger "more professional" for example a camera or flash.
to handle any cargo from the arduino need to use a relay to do so assemble this circuit:
The complete circuit has been mounted as follows:
The code rduino program is as follows:
# include # define route 50
radar 13 # define MAX 50 # define
Tiemposensor1 unsigned long int, Tiemposensor2 / / declare variables int long
int x, x2;
int distance = 400;
sensor1 int = 0;
sensor2 int = 1;
float speed;
lcd (12, 11, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2); / / are chosen to control the LCD pin
void setup () {
Serial.begin (9600) / / 9600 baud transmission rate
pinMode (sensor1, INPUT) / / sensor 1 and 2 as inputs.
pinMode (sensor2, INPUT);
pinMode (radar, OUTPUT) / / Output radar
} void loop () {x = analogRead
(Sensor1) / / read the sensor 1 until the distance is less than the selected
do {x = analogRead (sensor1)
} while (x < tiemposensor1 =" millis();" x2 ="analogRead" x2 =" analogRead" tiemposensor2 =" millis();" tiemporeal =" (Tiemposensor2" velocidad =" ((0.1" velocidad =" espacio/"> MAX) {/ / if the speed is greater than the maximum speed
predefined digitalWrite (radar, HIGH) / / active radar
the delay (200);
digitalWrite (radar, LOW);
Serial.print ("Excessive speed ... RADAR ON") / / message on the Serial.println
PC screen (speed);
lcd.clear ();
lcd.home ();
lcd.print (ON RADAR !!!"); / / message on the LCD
delay (500) ;
example of an image taken by the "radar" with a model:
collaborated in this project to David Alfaro Muñoz.