Saturday, December 5, 2009

Talbotsprice Adjustment Policy

The Counter


those are called optoelectronic devices that combine optics and electronics to work.

An example of this may be a remote control device or crepuscular.

generally optoelectóronicos components are those capable of converting light into electrical energy or vice versa.

are divided into two groups:

Photosensitive : From light excitation or control changes produce electricity.

These components are the LDR, fotopilas, fototiristores, fotoleds, diodes and bipolar transistors.

Electro luminescent : Based on the excitation by an electric current in those causing the emission of light energy in the form of visible radiation or not.

are components electro luminescent LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) and all your settings, infrared emitting diodes IRED (Infrared Emitting Diode) Diode Laser (Light Amplification by Simulate Emission of Radiation), which produce stimulated emission of photons as a monochromatic radiation and liquid crystal displays LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).


A LDR is an optoelectronic device capable of varying its resistance according to

light falling on it.

Cuanta más luz recibe, más baja es la resistencia.

En un LDR se han de tener en cuenta varias cosas:

*En 1er lugar, la amplitud de resistencias. Sin luz, una buena LDR se ha de comportar como un circuito abierto. Y su mínima resistencia ha de ser lo más pequeña posible, en torno a los cien ohmios, o menos si pudiera ser.

* En segundo lugar, se ha de tener en cuenta, el tiempo que emplea una LDR en pasar de un estado de máxima resistance to one of least resistance, that is, what it takes to switch from a position of circuit "closed" to a state of "open" circuit.

This time should be as small as possible, and has to be about the second.


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