NASA Inventions of Thomas Alva Edison
We are surrounded by increasingly sophisticated innovations,,, but did you ever wonder where they come from?. Oddly enough many of the appliances that surround us are not designed to be used as such, but has been designed to be used in the SPACE!.
These devices and materials designed by NASA for use on space missions, which were subsequently sold.
These are a few:
The dish, it is clear, were the first in need to receive satellite signals.
The ear thermometer, could not bring mercury thermometers and they developed some thermometers that measure the amount of heat as infrared beams, hence became thermometers currently used for children.
fireproof suits, space suits Debian withstand high temperatures so they developed a material capable of isolating the body of them is the same material they are made of the costumes of firefighters.
smoke detector was used towards the first time in Skylab satellite to detect any toxic vapors. From here come the smoke detectors present.
automotive design software, used by Primea time as a program to aid the design of spacecraft, from that program is set up different programs that currently help design vehicles. Cordless Tools
obviously in space no plugs,,,, so batteries were added to the tools (screwdrivers, drills ...). Was first used in the Apollo missions, such as vacuum cleaners, scissors and screwdrivers.
thermal clothing, this is less well known, but it's gloves, boots and other items that have small heaters built , Heated to counteract the bitter cold outside.
The Pen "Fisher", most of the work by gravity pens, ink drops, but in space there is no gravity, so they invented a pen that contained gas pressure while pushing the ink pen was in pointing up.
joysticks, the first is used to control the land vehicle of Apollo 11.
ski boots, boots worn by astronauts take a folds such as "accordion" that facilitates the movement while you get a strong attachment
The famous "powerball" developed to exercise muscles of the hand and arm in terms of gravity "zero."
and other lesser known edible toothpaste, some types of plastic, a urine recycling system,,, What
will be the next idea to be around on "our heads"?